Indian Creek Taxidermy
& Pet Preservation
Specializing in Freeze Drying
Technology - Greenville, Illinois
We work as a team, both doing most aspects of the trade, in the shop. We strive to respect and take care of your pet. Our goal is to provide you with a pose that most resembles the way you want to remember your pet.

Specializing in Quality Taxidermy
Environmentally Safe… Powered by Solar Panels

In February 2007, we became certified graduates of the Hutton Valley School of Taxidermy. Proper training is essential to producing quality life like mounts. We continue upgrading our skills through our membership in the National Taxidermy Association as well as the Illinois Taxidermy Association.
In 2016, we began the development, design and construction of a freeze drying operation. After expending many resources and time, we successfully began our Freeze Drying Operation.
The end result is a superior product which produces absolutely the highest quality preservation of your trophy or pet. Since we are not required to completely remove the hide, pickle and tan the hide and then reconstruct on a styrofoam form or mannequin, we can produce a better and more lifelike product. Be sure and take a look at the freeze dryer pictures in order to get a better idea of the complexity of the operation. Our shop is state of the art and is one of a handful of taxidermists specializing in Freeze Dried Technology across the nation. As of 2020, we have evolved as a Freeze Drying Shop exclusively
We invite you to come look over our shop and showroom and hope to earn your business.
Tom & Joanie Hentz
Pet Preservation
Our pets are an extension of our families. We want to help you preserve and enjoy your friends for years to come. We offer pet taxidermy with care to do just that. Our state-of-the-art freeze drying process allows us to create the most natural and realistic pet or wildlife critters.